Sunday, December 11, 2016

Movie Review: Ghostbusters

I have recently saw it. I liked, but I thought it could do better. I like the original ghostbusters more because it was clear on its plot, but the new one is too scatter. It looked like they were just winging the movie. Like what ever looked cool, they would put in there. It's like you want to have a poster look really good, so you put everything that is good on it and it turns out to look like a unicorn pooped on it. Also it was kinda boring at the end because I was half asleep.

Now I bet you are thinking that I hate every movie, so let me tell you some good things about this movie. I liked how they put Chris Hemsworth in there. He was really funny acting dumb.  I also liked how they made the ghostbusters group together. I am personally a science geek and I enjoyed watching them play with there new gadget. I could tell they were way more updated than the original ghostbuster gadget. Well that's it. Tell me your thoughts in the comments below.👇

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