Friday, December 9, 2016


My hobby is this and some other things, so that is why I haven't been posting lately. It's important to have a hobby.  My dad has a blog too and that is his hobby. You should go and check it out My mom has a hobby like crafts and S.T.E.M, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. I love doing what she is doing. It's important to have hobbies because it relaxes you. They also make forget about all the stress in the whole wide world. It's like it's your own bubble to go and sit in. No one can pop this bubble. I do so many things, but I still get sometimes stress in between. I don't get stress while I'm doing. One hobby that is not good for you is eating, sleeping and watching TV. Eating might be fine if you are a professional eater. If it's not pro eating, then doing that hobby you might gain an extra pound. I'm not here to judge, but I'm just saying. It's been proven that it kills brain cells to watch TV unless it's informational show.  Sleeping is not hobby because I makes you too groggy to do anything else. Trust me I did it before and I ended up tired for the rest of the day.

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