Friday, December 30, 2016

Fun Fact Friday

f Albert Einstein offered the role of Israel's second President in 1952, but he declined.

   This would have for sure change history, but not that much because he died that same year. I wonder if Israel would have the same democracy and they may have the same technology that he gave to us. Israel kind of has the same government by having a democracy but they have a parliamentary. This is a shoulda, coulda, woulda.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone. Happy Hanukkah, Holi, Onam, Diwali, and etc. I know some people don't celebrate this holiday, but I celebrate this holiday. I'm going to tell you my experience on this holiday and you can comment down below what holiday you celebrate and tell me how you celebrate.
Lets start at Hanukkah, my whole family does secret santa because there is so many of us. Pretty much we buy something for one person and all the kids under 18. Every other year we open secret santa gifts after Christmas because our cousins have to have Christmas in Texas with their Grandpa. That's how I celebrate Christmas.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Fun Fact Friday

       The “D” in D-Day stands for “day”, so “Day-Day”
     This was the turning point in World War 2. It was when we enter the war. We enter the war in Normandy, France. It is strange thinking that D stands for day.  Who would make it like that? I want to their thought process. Comment down below if you know any more information.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Storytime: Mouse Trap

I got home from school and there was no one else there except my dog, Rocki. I went to grab something to eat for a snack because I was hungry. I saw a mouse trap sticking out from underneath the door and I just thought my dad moved it forward when he was cleaning the house. I still just open it, just in case. I screamed and ran away. I said "Hell no". The mouse was still alive. Then I texted my dad about it and he said, " That is a strong ass mouse". Then he said "throw it outside" and I didn't want to do that because I had a hamster named Carlz when I was younger. From that moment I called the mouse Carla. Then I put it in a box because I thought it would be easier to put it outside, but it wasn't. I waited for my mom to get home, so she would do it. She said she wasn't going to put it out there and my dad said he was going to hit it with a hammer if I didn't put it out there. Then my mom said she was going to give five dollars. I couldn't turn that down, so I put it outside. A couple minutes after I took it outside, I took my dog out to go to the bathroom and some how it got out of its trap. That was an immortal mouse. Crazy. Comment down below a time you freaked out about something, but everything turned out to be OK.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Movie Review: Ghostbusters

I have recently saw it. I liked, but I thought it could do better. I like the original ghostbusters more because it was clear on its plot, but the new one is too scatter. It looked like they were just winging the movie. Like what ever looked cool, they would put in there. It's like you want to have a poster look really good, so you put everything that is good on it and it turns out to look like a unicorn pooped on it. Also it was kinda boring at the end because I was half asleep.

Now I bet you are thinking that I hate every movie, so let me tell you some good things about this movie. I liked how they put Chris Hemsworth in there. He was really funny acting dumb.  I also liked how they made the ghostbusters group together. I am personally a science geek and I enjoyed watching them play with there new gadget. I could tell they were way more updated than the original ghostbuster gadget. Well that's it. Tell me your thoughts in the comments below.👇

Sunday Quote

"I have found if you love life, life will love you back"
-Arthur Rubinstein

I guess it is true, if you are a 100% positive person. I don't think that can ever be me because I get sad and angry over somethings. I think a lot a people aren't 100% positive. Most people value life, but get treated like dirt. It's like life if you loved me then why haven't you gave me a million dollars. I guess life throws us challenges, so we can learn from them. For me, when I think of life loving me, I think of god. Life is also abstract thing because you can't touch life. It would be cool to touch life and then control our destiny, but then I like the surprises life throws at us. Some of the surprises I don't like, but I guess that is just life.😃

Friday, December 9, 2016

Fun Fact Friday

There is a Skyscraper in New York with no windows.

To be honest I would hate that because I would want to see the beautiful city of new york from a high view. It's like I walk in there and let's say it's the only skyscraper that tourist could go in. You go in to see a wonderful view. Then you get to the top floor and just realized that there are no windows on this building. Then we go all they way back down. Waste of time. At least there are more places to see the view of New York.    


My hobby is this and some other things, so that is why I haven't been posting lately. It's important to have a hobby.  My dad has a blog too and that is his hobby. You should go and check it out My mom has a hobby like crafts and S.T.E.M, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. I love doing what she is doing. It's important to have hobbies because it relaxes you. They also make forget about all the stress in the whole wide world. It's like it's your own bubble to go and sit in. No one can pop this bubble. I do so many things, but I still get sometimes stress in between. I don't get stress while I'm doing. One hobby that is not good for you is eating, sleeping and watching TV. Eating might be fine if you are a professional eater. If it's not pro eating, then doing that hobby you might gain an extra pound. I'm not here to judge, but I'm just saying. It's been proven that it kills brain cells to watch TV unless it's informational show.  Sleeping is not hobby because I makes you too groggy to do anything else. Trust me I did it before and I ended up tired for the rest of the day.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

New: Sunday Quote

"Lies are like children, If you don't nurture them, they'll never be useful later"
                                    -Randy K. Milholland

I'll be doing quotes every sunday. It's not for anything religious. It's to get motivated for the start of the week.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Movie Review: Suicide Squad

I would give this movie 4 stars because it has it's up's and down's. One thing I really wish that they had a movie on Deadshot and a movie on Harley Quinn before this movie, so we knew a little more about them. It was just on little clip of Deadshot and Harley Quinn lives before prison. Another thing is that why in the movie poster Joker was in the middle, he only had 5 minutes of line. Other than that, it was a really good movie. I like how it tied in love and action genre in that movie. Those are my two favorite movie genres. I hope you did or will enjoy it.
Image result for suicide squad movie poster